bGOLDEN's refreshing scent, Bliss. Imagine breakfast in bed on your tropical vacation, bubbles from your sparkling water dancing on your nose, a fresh manicure, bright orange sunset swims, and the best nights sleep.
A blend of sparking lemon and grapefruit peel followed by a gentle hint of peach, salty sea air, musk, and amber. Bliss is a refreshing balance of citrus and gentle florals.
*Vessel not included.
Reference our CANDLE CARE guide for step-by-step instructions.
Please note a bGOLDEN candle refill should only be used with a bGOLDEN candle holder.
250g (9oz), 55+ hour burn.
Perfect for small rooms and apartments. For larger rooms or open floor plans, layer candles to create a stronger scent throw.
Contains sustainably sourced soy wax, cotton wicks, and fragrance oils. Small batch, hand poured, and hand wrapped in Canada.